China college
China Education News
Ministry of Education

MOE releases COVID-19 prevention and control handbook in foreign languages

Shortly after the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in Wuhan, medical teams from across the country rushed to Hubei province to help fight the virus. To facilitate communication with patients speaking only Hubei dialects, the MOE, in conjunction with the State Language Affairs Commission and a number of universities, developed a handbook on Hubei dialects. Recently, the MOE also developed a foreign language version, A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages.

The Guide was developed for medical institutions, educational institutions, airports, airlines, foreign affairs agencies, the customs, and community centers, as well as for international students and foreign nationals living in China. More language editions and contents are expected to be added shortly.

The Guide is available in 8 different languages, including Korean, Japanese, Farsi, Italian, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese and English and contains 50 sentences commonly used in daily life, at the customs and in the hospital. Supplementary mini-films and multimedia cards are available too. A WeChat platform edition and a webpage version have been developed for use on handsets and online. The Guide is expected to be released through more channels, including social media platforms, websites, radio and print publications.

1. Daily precautions in 6 foreign languages (mini-film version)

2. Precautions at ports of entry in 6 foreign languages (mini-film version)

3. Most frequently used sentences in a hospital in 6 foreign languages (Cards)

4. Online query system