China college
China Education News
Ministry of Education

MOE delivers quality educational resources to Hubei Province during 2019-nCoV outbreak

Hubei Provincial Department of Education recently required primary and middle schools in the province to postpone the start of 2020 spring semester. Given Hubei’s inadequate resources for digital education and other difficulties, the MOE has mobilized quality educational resources to support teaching activities while classes are suspended in Hubei, in order to facilitate national efforts to fight novel coronavirus.

The People’s Education Press pledged to provide Hubei students and teachers with free-of-charge three-month digital resources (e.g. e-textbooks) and application services, benefiting all primary and middle schools in the province. The National Center for Educational Technology will deliver 6,808 state-of-the-art online courses through its national resource platform to education institutions in Hubei. Meanwhile, the launch of the National Online Cloud Classroom (, the development of which is well underway, will be prioritized for multiple-terminal services in Hubei.