China college

School of Light Industry, North China University of Technology

The College of Light Industry of North China University of Technology is an independent college sponsored by North China University of Technology approved by the Hebei Provincial Government and confirmed by the Ministry of Education. The college is located in Fengrun District, Tangshan City, Hebei Province. It has a strong industrial foundation, convenient transportation, and outstanding people. It has come out of the literary master Cao Xueqin, writers Zhang Ailing and Guan Hua, music conductor Li Delun, and Pingju queen Xiaobai Yushuang. It is only 1 hour and 10 minutes' drive from the capital Beijing and the high-speed rail. It is very convenient to enjoy the capital's various high-quality resources.

  The college has a beautiful campus environment and complete school facilities. It is a full-time general undergraduate college that cultivates a combination of engineering, science, economics, management, literature, law and art. The college offers metallurgical engineering, mechanical design and manufacturing and automation, civil engineering, Internet of Things engineering, electrical engineering and automation, and other engineering disciplines, business management, financial management and other financial management, visual communication design, film and television photography and production, and other arts. English, law and other grammar majors, a total of 70 undergraduate majors, as well as computer art design, character design, e-commerce, hotel management and other 16 junior majors, is a member of the "University of Applied Technology (College) Alliance" of the Ministry of Education, facing the country 26 Enrollment in all provinces and cities.

The college adheres to the goal of cultivating applied talents with strong adaptability and high comprehensive quality. It pays equal attention to theory and practice, and both adults and talents. It is closely integrated with the local economic and social development, and it is jointly established in Hebei and even Beijing and Tianjin. There are more than 120 training bases. Promote employment through internship training and build an employment overpass. In recent years, the employment rate of graduates has remained above 95%, and graduates are widely distributed in various types of enterprises in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.

  The college adheres to the school motto of "Diligence and truth-seeking, sensible and vigorous", insists on teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, emphasizes long-term education based on qualified basic education, and strives to promote innovation and entrepreneurship education and practice activities for applied technology talents to provide development space for students' personalized growth. In the past five years, our students have successfully started 184 business projects, and students have won more than 1,000 awards in various provincial and above competitions, including international and national college students’ mathematical modeling contests, national college students’ English contests, "CCTV Cup" English speech contests, and "Century Star" English Speech Contest, CCTV "Star of Hope" English Style Contest, National College Student Electronic Design Contest, "Bi Sheng Cup" National Electronic Innovation Design Contest, "Bo Chuang Cup" National College Student Embedded Design Contest, "Face Carl" Cup Smart Car Competition, Cutting-Edge Creation Competition, Yonyou Cup National Undergraduate Entrepreneurship and Sand Table Simulation Business Competition, National ITAT Educational Engineering Employment Skills Competition, China Packaging Art Competition, National Science and Technology Animation Competition, National Undergraduate "Challenge Cup" Entrepreneurship Plan Competition, etc. The event won 52 international awards, 279 national awards, and 702 provincial awards. Among them, Chen Hongfei was ranked among the "100 Self-improvement Stars of Chinese University Students" sponsored by the League Central Committee and the All-China Federation of Students. Our students have achieved gratifying results in the previous examinations for postgraduates, civil servants, selected students, and college student village officials.

The college uses global thinking to expand its studies and cooperates with Dresden University of Technology in Germany, Weismar University of Applied Sciences in Germany, Lincoln University in the United Kingdom, Swansea University in the United Kingdom, Poitiers National University in France, the National University of the Pacific in Russia, and Shilla University in South Korea. The school has established friendly and cooperative relations, and established a variety of cooperation modes such as undergraduate and master's continuous study, exchange student training, overseas training, and short-term training.

   Adhering to the school-running policy of "characteristic school running, brand-building school", the school has received attention and praise from various media. In the evaluation of colleges and universities in major media and websites over the years, the college has won the "National Advanced Independent College", "Top Ten Brand Independent Colleges", "Top Ten Advantage Professional Brand Independent Colleges", and "Most Socially Influential Independent Colleges" , "Independent College with the Highest Student Satisfaction", "Independent College of Chinese Brand Influence", "China's Most Reputable Independent College" and other honorary titles. In Wu Shulian's evaluation and ranking of universities, the Institute of Light Industry has been ranked among the top 100 comprehensive strengths in the "Ranking of Independent Colleges in China" for three consecutive years. In the 2017 Wushulian ranking, it ranked 26th among 265 independent colleges and 2nd in Hebei Province.