China college

Dongbei University of Finance and Economics

Dongbei University of Finance and Economics has its mission of "cultivating outstanding financial talents and serving economic and social development". It is a university of finance and economics that highlights the advantages and characteristics of economics and management, and the coordinated development of economics, management, law, literature, science and other disciplines . The school is located in the beautiful coastal city of Dalian, with a total area of 65,0204.9 square meters and more than 16,000 full-time students, including 9,631 full-time undergraduates and 5946 postgraduates. The school adheres to the talent work policy of "combination of introduction, education and use, full coverage of old, middle and young people, and comprehensive development of talents in various positions". There are 1,778 full-time faculty members, including 841 full-time teachers. Six people have been selected as the "Changjiang Scholars Award Program", four people have been selected as the leading talents of the National "Ten Thousand Talents Program", one has won the National Science Fund for Outstanding Youth, three have been members of the Disciplinary Evaluation Group of the Seventh Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, and four have been selected as " Four of them were selected as national-level candidates for the “Ten Thousand-Ten Thousand Talents Project”, four of them were selected as national cultural masters and “four batches” of talents, and three were awarded as national-level teaching teachers, and passed overseas deans (center directors) and specially-appointed professors (researchers) , Guest professors and other forms, flexibly introduce 25 high-level talents. Over the years, the school has focused on promoting the construction of exquisite Dongcai, pursuing high-quality subjects and majors, pursuing lean teaching and research and management services, pursuing elite faculty, pursuing excellence in talent training, and integrating the concept of environmental education throughout campus construction. It has been repeatedly recognized by the people of Liaoning Province. The government and the Dalian Municipal People's Government have been awarded the titles of "Advanced Greening Unit", "Excellent Garden Unit", "Green University", and "Most Beautiful Campus in Liaoning Province".

Dongbei University of Finance and Economics adheres to the discipline-leading strategy and is a key university in Liaoning Province's first-class university. Among the existing disciplines, finance, industrial economics, and accounting are national key disciplines and the "national characteristic key disciplines" approved by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance, quantitative economics is a national key (cultivation) discipline, and applied economics Six first-level disciplines, statistics, business administration, public management, management science and engineering, and theoretical economics, were selected as the first-class disciplines in Liaoning Province. In the fourth round of national subject evaluation organized by the Ministry of Education, our school’s applied economics evaluation result was A, which entered the national 2%-5% rank; the business management evaluation result was A-, which entered the national 5%-10% rank; Statistics The academic evaluation result is A-, entering the national 5%-10% rank; the management science and engineering assessment result is B+, entering the national 10%-20% rank.

The school has six first-level post-doctoral mobile stations in theoretical economics, applied economics, statistics, business administration, public management, and management science and engineering; there are theoretical economics, applied economics, statistics, management science and engineering, There are 6 first-level doctoral degree authorization points in business administration and public management, and 42 second-level doctoral degree authorization points (including 16 independent establishments); there are theoretical economics, applied economics, statistics, law, and Marxism There are 10 first-level academic master degree authorization points in theory, foreign language and literature, management science and engineering, business administration, public management and journalism and communication, and 73 second-level academic master degree authorization points (including 18 independent establishments) A); there are 16 categories of finance, applied statistics, taxation, international business, insurance, asset evaluation, auditing, law, translation, news and communication, international Chinese education, business administration, public administration, accounting, tourism management, and engineering management Full-time professional master degree authorization point, recruiting professional degree master students in 20 fields. The Business Administration (MBA) program once ranked second in the national MBA teaching evaluation organized by the Academic Degree Office of the State Council. The school is the first college of finance and economics in the country to officially open a professional degree in management (MPA), and is one of the 19 units in the country that offer a professional degree in accounting (MPAcc) on a trial basis. In the first professional degree evaluation by the Ministry of Education, our school's business administration and accounting professional degrees entered the national A-class ranks.

The school currently has 41 undergraduate majors, of which 9 majors including accounting, finance, business administration, finance, statistics, taxation, insurance, engineering management, and tourism management are national-level specialty majors, economic statistics, and finance 13 undergraduate majors, including finance, engineering management, business administration, marketing, human resource management, logistics management, accounting, financial management, labor and social security, e-commerce, and tourism management, were selected as the first batch of national first-class undergraduate majors On the list, the number of selected majors ranks first among universities in Liaoning Province. Six majors including economics, taxation, financial engineering, insurance, law, and Japanese were selected into the provincial-level first-class undergraduate majors.

In addition, the school has two part-time general undergraduate education forms, adult education and online education. The school is the first batch of continuing education demonstration bases of the Ministry of Education, one of the 68 pilot units of online education nationwide, and one of the first batch of 10 evaluation units.

Dongbei University of Finance and Economics is centered on talent training, based on morality and people, adheres to the education development concept with improving quality as the core, and cultivates excellent morality, humanistic feelings, scientific literacy, international vision, full of social responsibility, awareness of the rule of law, and innovation Excellent financial talents with spirit and practical ability. The school is among the top 50 universities with typical experience in innovation and entrepreneurship in 2019, and it is selected as one of the "National Hundred Excellent Doctoral Dissertations" and the number of nominated papers ranks in the forefront of the national finance and economics universities. It is approved as a national-level teaching in undergraduate teaching reform and quality engineering construction. 3 famous teachers, 5 national teaching teams, 5 second prizes of national teaching achievement awards, 9 national characteristic majors, 2 national comprehensive reform pilot majors, 11 national quality courses, national bilingual demonstration courses 3 courses, 10 national quality resource sharing courses, 1 national quality video open course, 3 English-taught branded courses by the Ministry of Education, 2 national experimental teaching demonstration centers, and the number of results ranks among the top financial universities in the country. Undergraduate majors are enrolled in one batch in all provinces across the country. Among them, 24 majors are recruited according to 9 majors. Over the years, the admission scores have ranked among the top 3 in Liaoning Province and the top 5 in the three northeastern provinces.

Dongbei University of Finance and Economics adheres to the principle of "indomitable" scientific research and social service work that basic research should be cutting-edge and applied research should be effective. Existing Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences Key Research Base, 1 Joint Base of the Ministry of Finance, 1 National and Regional Research Center of the Ministry of Education, 1 Free Trade Zone Research Institute jointly established with the local government, and other provincial or above 19 key research institutions and scientific research platforms (including 1 Liaoning Provincial Collaborative Innovation Center, 9 Liaoning Provincial Humanities and Social Sciences Key Research Bases, 2 Liaoning Provincial University Key Laboratories, 1 Liaoning Provincial Department of Science and Technology Key Laboratory, Provincial Level There are 6 other types of key research institutions), 57 school-level scientific research institutions, 19 provincial-level innovation teams in Liaoning Province, and the initial establishment of the humanities and social sciences key research base, the Liaoning Province collaborative innovation center, and the provincial joint pilot base. Represents the new model of think tanks. The school publishing house is a national top 100 book publishing unit and a national first-level publishing house. "Research on Financial Issues" is a journal funded by the National Social Science Foundation and the source journal of CSSCI (2019-2020), and "Journal of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics" is an extended journal of Chinese humanities and social sciences.

Over the years, the school has adhered to the orientation of high-quality scientific research, closely combined with national and local economic and social development, timely tracked the frontiers and trends of economic reforms, and actively served national, regional, and local economic and social development. The quality of scientific research results has been significantly improved, and scientific research products continue to emerge . Since 2009, the school has won the bid for major projects of the National Social Science Fund for 11 consecutive years, and the number of projects has been ranked among the top financial universities in Liaoning Province and the country. School teachers have published many papers in high-level academic journals such as "Chinese Social Sciences", "Economic Research", and "Management World". This achievement won the Outstanding Achievement Award for Scientific Research (Humanities and Social Sciences) of Higher Education Institutions of the Ministry of Education. The school actively promotes the construction of a new type of university think tank with financial characteristics, and has undertaken a large number of major and key decision-making consulting research projects. A number of decision-making consulting suggestions have been approved by party and national leaders and provincial and ministerial leaders. The school actively promotes the high-end and branding of academic exchange activities, and high-level academic conferences such as "Xinghai Forum" have had an important academic impact at home and abroad.

Dongbei University of Finance and Economics began substantive international exchanges as early as the 1980s. It started Sino-foreign cooperation in running schools in 1994, and gradually formed a "high-standard, international" school idea. After more than 30 years of exploration and practice, the school system has introduced advanced foreign university teaching management models, made full use of teaching resources inside and outside the school, and at home and abroad, and gradually realized the internationalization of teaching languages, the selection of teaching materials, the internationalization of curriculum systems, and the internationalization of students Internationalization of sources, internationalization of teacher resources, internationalization of teaching management methods, and continuous development and implementation of student exchange programs and teacher exchange programs, development of international cooperative scientific research platforms, and improvement of the quality and level of international schooling, and the breadth and breadth of international exchanges and cooperation. Gradually increase in depth.

The school has a Chinese-foreign cooperative education institution-Surrey International College, which carries out full-time undergraduate and postgraduate education of "study abroad without going abroad". There are 6 Sino-foreign cooperative education projects in cooperation with the University of Western Ontario in Canada, Curtin University in Australia, and the University of Ullster in the United Kingdom. +0” mode). The overseas education project co-developed with Hofstra University in the United States is my country's first overseas education project to grant a Chinese university diploma to American college students in the United States. An education management system for international students in China including undergraduate, master's and doctoral degree education (including English-taught programs), long-term and short-term Chinese and non-academic education for business Chinese has been established, and a master's degree program in Chinese International Education has been established. Co-founded Confucius Institutes with Southern Maine State University in the United States, Southern University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands, and Majaibel University in Slovakia. Up to now, the school has established various forms of friendly cooperative relations with 124 higher education institutions and 9 international institutions in 25 countries and regions around the world, and has carried out long-term and stable exchanges and cooperation with more than 50 universities, and has provided services for studying abroad in China. The center cooperates to build a training base for studying abroad.

The school is the first domestic university to participate in and obtain the "Sino-foreign Cooperative Education Quality Certification". It has taken the lead in building the Sino-British Cooperative Education Alliance. As a pilot university of the Ministry of Education, it has obtained the quality certification for studying in China. It is a Chinese government scholarship for international students and Confucius Institutes. The scholarship recipient institution and the Confucius Institute full-time teacher reserve school are the university project partners of the Chartered Institute of Financial Analysts (CFA). The accounting major has been fully accredited by CPA Australia, one of the world’s three major accounting associations. , Surrey International College of Business Administration and Tourism Management two double degree majors are accredited by the International Association of Business Schools AACSB.

The school has the first domestic research base of a Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school, and a Confucius Institute performance evaluation and financial management research base. The relevant research results have received important approvals from relevant state departments and leaders.

Following the school motto of "Learning to help the world" and insisting on the five development strategies of strengthening the school with talents, leading disciplines, improving quality, internationalization, and characteristic development, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics is moving towards becoming a "first-class domestic, internationally renowned, and high-level financial university with outstanding characteristics". Goal progress.