China college

Liaoning Police College

Liaoning Police College is the only provincial full-time undergraduate public security college in the province. It shoulders the dual historical mission of cultivating applied police talents and training in-service police for the public security and judicial organs of the province. It was formally established in May 2014 with the approval of the Ministry of Education. The predecessor was the Liaoning Police Officers College. The school was founded in 1960, a junior college was established in 1985, and an independent pilot program for undergraduates began in 1995. Since the establishment of the school, more than 40,000 outstanding police professionals have been trained for the province's public security and judicial systems. Guided by the reform needs of the public security and judicial organs and the demand for talents, the college deeply promotes the practical teaching reform of public security colleges, and comprehensively improves the students’ police practical skills. It has become the main position of public security education and training, and the main channel for public security judicial talents. Liaoning plays an important role in social stability and the construction of the rule of law in Liaoning.

The college is located on Yingping Road, Ganjingzi District, Dalian. The campus covers an area of 590,000 square meters. The branch is located on Qianshan Middle Road, Tiedong District, Anshan City, covering an area of 78,000 square meters. The college has 10 public security and judicial undergraduate majors in investigation, criminal science and technology, public security, network security and law enforcement, traffic management engineering, economic crime investigation, police command and tactics, public security audio-visual technology, criminology, and prison science, traffic management , Aviation service art and management 2 general majors. At present, our college's network security and law enforcement, public security has been selected as a national first-class undergraduate professional construction site. The college has 580 faculty members, including 49 senior seniors, 123 associate seniors, and 229 postgraduates or above. There are 5335 full-time students.

The college adheres to the establishment of political schools, establishment of schools with characteristics, innovations and reforms, and has formed distinctive public security school-running characteristics. The quality of schooling has been improved year by year, and its comprehensive strength has been continuously strengthened. At present, the college has established the Dalian Base for Police Practical Training of the Ministry of Public Security, the Foreign Police Training Base of the Ministry of Public Security, the Training Technology Application Research and Development Center of the Ministry of Public Security, the National Public Security Education and Training Network Academy, the Chinese Civil Aviation Police Training Base, and the Liaoning Provincial Military Transferred Cadres Entering Colleges Special training base. "Ten major ideological and political golden classes" such as "loyal classroom" and "walking classroom" as well as "ten characteristic teams" such as "Lei Feng Cultural Research Association", "Special Police Team" and "Police Song Liaoliang Chorus" have been built. Practical teaching reform has been implemented in 38 courses, and practical examination reform has been implemented in 87 courses. The School of Marxism was rated as "Model Branch of Party Building Work in Colleges and Universities in China". As the first batch of excellent pilot colleges for education informatization by the Ministry of Education, the college has independently developed projects such as the "Police Practice Simulation Training System" and has been widely used in public security organs across the country. It has completed the key scientific and technological research plans and application innovations of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Public Security. There are more than 20 projects, and the management model of "Incoming Police Training and Training Service" has obtained ISO9001 international quality management system certification. In the two consecutive National Public Security College Teaching Skills Competition, the college has won the first prize of the group and won the first prize of the collective of the Ministry of Public Security.

Living near the sea, built on the mountain. Liaoning Police Academy takes struggle as oars and dreams as sails, shoulders new missions and composes new brilliance.