China college

Changchun University of Finance and Economics

Changchun University of Finance and Economics is an independent full-time private general undergraduate college. It was established in 1988. The School of Information Economics of Jilin University of Finance and Economics was established in 2000. In 2014, it was renamed as Changchun University of Finance and Economics. In 2016, it passed the qualification evaluation of undergraduate teaching work by the Ministry of Education. In 2017, it was approved as a master's degree authorized unit to establish a university. In 2019, it was approved as a model university for comprehensive reform of "Three All-round Education" in Jilin Province. In 2020, it was approved for undergraduate talents in Jilin Province. Cultivate reform model universities. The school focuses on economics and management, and takes into account the coordinated development of law, art, science, engineering, and teaching. It offers accounting, auditing, financial management, finance, financial engineering, insurance, investment, and taxation. , International Economics and Trade, International Business, Cross-border E-commerce, Economics, Economic Statistics, Data Science and Big Data Technology, Business Administration, Marketing, Human Resource Management, Tourism Management, Logistics Management, Network and New Media, Information There are 30 undergraduate majors in management and information systems, computer science and technology, e-commerce, Internet of Things engineering, artificial intelligence, law, English, Japanese, Chinese international education, and elementary education. There are currently 12,000 students. While successfully running undergraduate education, the school has successively established Jilin Province Human Resources Technician College and Changchun Early Education Vocational College, forming a multi-level education pattern of "undergraduate education-junior college education-vocational education".