China college

Jiangsu Ocean University

Jiangsu Ocean University is a multidisciplinary applied research university. The school was founded in 1985, formerly known as Huaihai University. In 1989, Huaihai Institute of Technology was formally established on the basis of the preparations for the establishment of Huaihai University. From 1998 to 2002, according to the overall deployment of the province’s higher education system reforms, Jiangsu Salt School, Lianyungang Fisheries School and Lianyungang Technical College of Chemical Industry, all with a history of more than 50 years, were merged into the school. In 2019, they were renamed Jiangsu Ocean University. . The school has successively won many honors such as the pacesetter of civilized unit of Jiangsu Province, the advanced unit of Jiangsu Province teaching team construction, the advanced university of Jiangsu Province for scientific and technological work, the national advanced collective of internal audit, and the national advanced unit of college students' social practice. In August 2013, the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council approved the school as a master's degree-granting unit. In July 2017, our school became a doctoral degree-granting project construction unit.

The school is located in the pilot area of the core area of the "Belt and Road" junction, the east bridgehead of the Eurasian Continental Bridge, and the first batch of coastal open cities in Lianyungang City in the country. The main campus is located at the western foot of Huaguo Mountain, the national 5A-level scenic spot and the birthplace of "Journey to the West" culture. It currently covers an area of 2184.87 mu, with a school building area of 645,300 square meters. There are more than 1,600 faculty members and more than 20,000 full-time undergraduates and postgraduates. The school consists of the School of Marine Science and Fisheries, the School of Marine Technology and Surveying and Mapping, the School of Marine Engineering, the School of Civil and Harbor Engineering, the School of Mechanical Engineering, the School of Electronic Engineering, the School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, the School of Food Science and Engineering, the School of Computer Engineering, There are 19 colleges including the School of Pharmacy, Science, Business, Marxism, Grammar and Law, Foreign Languages, Art and Design, Physical Education, Applied Technology, and Continuing Education, offering 68 undergraduate majors, covering engineering and science , Management, Literature, Agriculture, Law, Economics, Art, Education and Medicine.

The school has a team of teachers who love higher education, have both teaching and research capabilities, both theory and practice, and both morality and learning. Among the 1,213 full-time teachers, 628 have senior professional titles, including 163 full-time teachers, 441 doctors, 2 existing national outstanding teachers, 2 Jiangsu teaching teachers; 2 high-level innovative and entrepreneurial talent introduction programs in Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu special-appointed professors 4 people, 3 young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions in Jiangsu Province, 2 winners of Jiangsu Outstanding Youth Fund; selected as Jiangsu Province "333 High-level Talents" Training Project, Jiangsu Province Colleges and Universities Blue Project, Jiangsu Province Six Talent Peaks There are 234 people-times of provincial and ministerial talent projects; 2 outstanding teaching teams of the Provincial Qinglan Project and 8 scientific and technological innovation and talent teams of Jiangsu Province. More than 100 teachers have been hired as part-time professors, doctoral supervisors and master supervisors by universities at home and abroad. The school has hired academician Jiang Xingwei and other famous experts and scholars as part-time professors of the school.

The school has complete specifications and complete functions of the infrastructure and school-running conditions. The school has 12 provincial experimental teaching and practical education centers, 71,900 sets of various teaching and research experimental equipment, with a total value of 386 million yuan. The library currently has more than 1.86 million paper books, more than 800 Chinese and foreign paper periodicals, 1.16 million electronic journals, 11.19 million dissertations, and 10742 hours of various audio and video. It owns CNKI, EBSCOhost, and Springer-Link. There are 25 types of electronic document databases such as ScienceDirect, and 6 sub-databases of marine thematic characteristics. The school’s indoor and outdoor sports fields have a total area of 137,000 square meters, with a main sports field, a second sports field, a main gymnasium, a Tongguan gymnasium, a dragon boat training hall, a basketball volleyball court, a tennis court, a yoga hall, a billiard hall, a table tennis hall, and a dynamic A large number of indoor and outdoor sports facilities such as bicycle room, martial arts room, gymnasium and water sports training ground can meet the needs of physical education, sports training and group activities. The school is a national model unit of greening, with a green coverage rate of 50%, and an ecological, landscaping, and energy-saving campus has basically taken shape.

The school insists on talent cultivation as the center, and strives to cultivate comprehensive application-oriented talents with good foundation, high quality, strong ability, ocean awareness, innovative spirit, and family and country feelings. The professional construction closely focuses on the needs of local transformation of economic development mode, and continuously intensifies adjustment and development. Currently, it has 3 national-level first-class undergraduate majors, 2 majors that have passed the engineering education professional certification of the Ministry of Education, 3 national-level characteristic majors, 2 There are 4 national-level professional comprehensive reform pilot projects, 4 Jiangsu Province’s 13th Five-Year Plan brand majors, 10 Jiangsu Province first-class professional construction sites, 9 Jiangsu Province characteristic majors, and 9 Jiangsu Province key majors (categories).

Guided by curriculum ideology and politics, the school continuously expands the total number of courses, optimizes the curriculum structure, reforms the teaching model, and actively builds first-class courses in accordance with the overall requirements of "broaden the foundation, attach importance to application, and strengthen quality". Construct a first-class talent training curriculum system that has a clear mapping relationship for students' values, comprehensive qualities and ability structures. There are two national-level first-class courses and 16 provincial-level boutique online open courses. The reform of school education and teaching continued to deepen, undertaking the "National Education System Reform Pilot Project—Comprehensive Credit System Reform" in Jiangsu Province. The project passed the acceptance appraisal hosted by the Provincial Department of Education and was selected as a typical case of national education reform and innovation. In the past three years, the school has won 2 second prizes for National Excellent Teaching Achievement, 2 first prizes for Jiangsu Excellent Teaching Achievement and 7 second prizes. The student dragon boat team has won the Chinese University Student Dragon Boat Championships four consecutive times and won the World University Student Dragon Boat Championships three times. In the past five years, more than 3,600 students have won awards in various national and provincial competitions, such as the National College Student Mathematical Modeling Competition, the National College Student Advertising Art Competition, and the National College Student Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Social Practice and Technology Competition. For more than ten consecutive years, the employment rate of undergraduate graduates has remained above 96%. Nearly a thousand students have been selected into the "University Student Volunteer Service in the West Program", "University Student Volunteer Service in Northern Jiangsu Program" and the "Village Official Program" of Jiangsu Province. One person won the "Gold Medal for Chinese Youth Volunteer Service" issued by the Youth League Central Committee, and one person won the honorary title of "Chinese University Student Self-improvement Star" awarded by the Youth League Central Committee and the All-China Federation of Students.

The school adheres to the two wings of scientific research and social services, and strives to provide intellectual contributions and technical support for local economic and social development. According to national strategic needs and regional development characteristics, optimizing the subject structure and condensing the subject direction, "Marine Science" is the dominant subject of Jiangsu Province, mechanical engineering, control science and engineering, computer science and technology, bioengineering, materials science and engineering, pharmacy, Eight disciplines, including Chinese language and literature and applied economics, are the key disciplines to be cultivated (constructed) in Jiangsu Province. The school currently has 6 first-level discipline master's degree authorization points and 5 professional master's degree authorization points. It has Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Biological Resources and Environment, Jiangsu Provincial Marine Biological Resources Utilization and Quality Safety Control Engineering Center, Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Biotechnology, Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Advanced Material Function Regulation Technology, Jiangsu Provincial Marine Drug Activity Key Laboratory of Molecular Screening, Jiangsu Marine Resources Development Research Institute, Jiangsu Marine Economic Research Center, Jiangsu Provincial Public Technology Service Platform for Marine Biological Industry for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, and National Science and Technology Business Incubators, and a number of science and technology with distinctive marine characteristics and strong disciplines. R&D and service platform. In recent years, it has won 47 scientific research awards at the provincial and ministerial level and above, including 2 national science and technology awards. The school and the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League jointly established the Jiangsu Provincial Village Official Research Institute. In 2010, the country's first "College Student Village Official Garden" was established, and 24,000 copies were issued nationwide in each issue, which attracted widespread attention from the society. The school organizes teachers to enter the government, enter enterprises, communities, and towns to provide social services throughout the year. It is a counterpart support school for the "Gang County, Enrich Farmers and People" Project in Jiangsu Province. .

The school insists on standardizing management and strengthening services, and strives to provide a good environment for teacher development and student growth. The school’s party and government adheres to scientific management of the school, democratic management of the school, and management of the school according to the law, solidly promote the openness of party affairs and open school affairs, fully respect academic power, continuously improve the governance structure, optimize the operating mechanism, and actively explore the establishment of "party committee leadership, president responsible, professors A modern university system based on academic research and democratic management. The school management is standardized and orderly, and the audit work is in the forefront of Jiangsu universities, and it has been awarded the "National Advanced Unit of Internal Audit". The school attaches great importance to and safeguards the rights and interests of students, with the aim of helping all students to "adopt aspirations, become talents and careers", provide close services to students, and help students solve problems in a timely manner. The school's medical and health care and catering services are complete and well-equipped.

The school insists on opening to the outside world and international cooperation as breakthroughs, and strives to build a high-end platform for regional economic and social development and cultural exchanges. The school has signed education and scientific research cooperation agreements with many foreign universities, and maintains friendly exchanges with dozens of universities in the United States, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea and other countries. Foreign cultural and educational experts are invited to give lectures and teach in the school all the year round. Every year, outstanding young and middle-aged teachers are selected to go abroad for further studies and participate in international academic exchange activities. Many teachers participate in the editing and review of international academic journals. The student overseas study program is operating well, and the number of international students coming to the school has steadily increased.

The 21st century is the century of the ocean. At present, the teachers and students of the whole school are closely focusing on the national maritime power strategy and the construction of the "One Belt One Road", fully implementing the provincial party committee and provincial government's decision and deployment, giving full play to the location advantages of the coastal city, closely connecting with regional marine emerging industries, and accelerating reform and development We will work hard to improve the quality of running schools, accelerate the construction of a high-level applied research marine university, and run an education that is satisfactory to the party and the people.