China college

Guangdong Food and Drug Vocational College

Guangdong Food and Drug Vocational College is a public full-time general higher vocational college approved by the People’s Government of Guangdong Province and filed by the Ministry of Education. Entrepreneurship Education Demonstration School, Guangdong Province May 1 Labor Award-winning unit, Guangdong Province Civilized Campus. Sponsored by the People's Government of Guangdong Province, the school is under the management of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Education. It has three directly affiliated units, namely the Guangdong Institute of Chinese Materia Medica, Guangdong Food and Drug Vocational Technical School, and Guangdong Food and Drug Vocational College Skills Appraisal Institute. The school focuses on college level education, and its majors cover engineering, science, medicine, management, and literature. Talent training is included in the talent management scope of Guangdong Health and Family Planning Commission, Guangdong Food and Drug Administration and Guangdong Traditional Chinese Medicine Bureau At the same time, it undertook the specific organization and implementation of education and training in the three systems. It is the cradle of cultivating high-level technical talents in the industries of medicine, food, medicine and hygiene, health products, cosmetics, and medical equipment.

   【Recap history】

The predecessor of the school was the Guangdong Chinese Medicinal Materials School founded on June 16, 1965, with its site in Saibakou, Guangzhou; it moved to Jianglan Road in March 1974 and was renamed as the No. 1 Branch of Guangdong Commercial Technical School; 1979 In September, it was changed to Guangdong Medical Technical School; in 1983, Guangdong Medical Workers Technical Secondary School was established, and the school was run together with Guangdong Medical Technical School; in 1984, it moved to Longdong, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, and Guangdong Medical School was established in March 1986. . The school began to undertake higher education in 1999, and was upgraded to a higher vocational college with the approval of the People’s Government of Guangdong Province in 2002; it was officially upgraded to Guangdong Chemical and Pharmaceutical Vocational College by the Ministry of Education in May 2003; it was renamed by the Ministry of Education in May 2007. It is the Guangdong Food and Drug Vocational College. In July 2008, the school passed the evaluation of the talent training work of higher vocational colleges by the Ministry of Education with excellent results; in November 2008, it was rated as a model school in the rule of law in Guangdong Province; it was awarded the "Advanced Collective of Mental Health Education and Consultation in Colleges and Universities in Guangdong Province". title. In November 2013, the school became the establishment and construction unit of the Guangdong Province Demonstration Higher Vocational College Construction Project, and passed the mid-term acceptance of the Guangdong Province Demonstration School Construction Project in September 2014. In November 2016, it was determined by the Provincial Department of Education and the Provincial Department of Finance to become the first-class higher vocational college construction project in Guangdong Province.

   In recent years, under the leadership of deepening the reform of innovation and entrepreneurship education, the school has promoted education supply-side reforms, optimized the structure, actively adapted to the new normal, and comprehensively improved the quality of talent training, and achieved remarkable results. In 2015, the school was awarded the “Guangdong Province Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Demonstration School”; the school’s innovation and entrepreneurship incubation base successively won the “Guangzhou Entrepreneurship-Driven Employment (Incubation) Demonstration Base", and was recognized as the Tianhe District Science and Technology Incubator. ; "Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Vocational College Makerspace" was recognized by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology as the "Guangdong Provincial Makerspace Pilot Unit", and was listed as a national "Makerspace" by the Ministry of Science and Technology in February 2016. In 2017, the school won the May 1st Labor Award of Guangdong Province; won the honorary title of Guangdong Civilized Campus; passed the re-assessment of the school by law; passed the provincial demonstration vocational college construction and acceptance of various tasks.

   [Development status]

After more than half a century of vocational education, the school has continued to develop and grow, and has initially formed a school-running pattern with Longdong campus as the main body. There are pharmaceutical engineering colleges, pharmacy colleges, Chinese medicine colleges, biotechnology colleges, food colleges, and management colleges. , School of Medical Devices, School of Cosmetics and Art Design, School of International Exchange, School of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Health, School of Nursing, School of Software, School of Marxism, School of Continuing Education (Food, Medicine and Health Training Center) and other 14 teaching units. The school’s enrollment is mainly from Guangdong Province and is open to the whole country. There are currently 14048 full-time high-level vocational students and 7385 adult correspondence students. The total campus area is 1233 acres, including 455 acres on Longdong campus and 778 acres on Zhongluotan campus; the building area of the school has reached 537,500 square meters, the total value of teaching and research equipment is 104.28 million yuan, has an area of 80001.16 square meters of experimental training grounds, 63 on-campus training bases, and 1,210 off-campus practice bases.

  【School Features】

In the practice of running schools for more than 50 years, the school has adhered to the school motto of “Mingde Jingye, only the people for health”, adhered to the school purpose of “training high-quality technical and technical talents for human health”, according to the “big health” industry transformation Upgrade and build the social development goal of "Healthy Guangdong", focus on the production, operation, and service links of the health-related industry chain, further accelerate the adjustment and upgrade of the professional structure, continuously optimize the professional structure, and gradually form a professional group of medicines, food and cosmetics. The six major health professional groups (44 majors in total) that have coordinated the development of medical equipment, economics and management, and sanitation will create basic conditions for the construction of health information, packaging design and other professional groups in the next 5-10 years.

The school builds a "work process-oriented" curriculum system that is conducive to cultivating students' professional core competence and improving professional quality according to professional characteristics, forming a relatively complete and interconnected curriculum, including public basic platform courses, professional group basic platform courses, and majors Curriculum system including core courses; adopt a project-driven approach to implement gradient course construction, and create a batch of high-level quality courses. The school continues to deepen the connotation construction, build 2 key majors supported by the central finance, 1 first batch of national vocational college health service demonstration majors, 11 provincial model majors and key majors, and establish a project to build a first-class higher vocational college in Guangdong Province There are 7 high-level majors in the school, 1 brand-name major for higher vocational education in Guangdong Province, 6 brand-name majors for higher vocational education in Guangdong Province, and 9 majors for the connection of secondary and higher vocational education in the third and second division. Three professional teaching standards for higher vocational colleges; construction of 7 national quality resource sharing courses, 17 provincial quality resource sharing courses, 5 provincial quality open courses, and 1 provincial quality online open course; project construction of national practice 2 training bases, 6 provincial-level training bases, 2 provincial-level public training bases, 1 provincial-level high-skilled talent training base, 10 provincial-level college students' off-campus practice teaching bases; provincial-level teaching research and reform projects 25 items, 46 items of provincial college students' innovation and entrepreneurship projects.

In 2014, the "Pharmaceutical Professional Talent Training Model Innovation Based on the Transformation and Upgrading of the Pharmaceutical Industry" declared by the school won the second prize of the 7th National Teaching Achievement Award and the first prize of the 7th Guangdong Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award; "Research and Practice on the Construction of Professional Groups in the Medical Device Industry and the Training Mode of In-depth Cooperation between Schools and Institutes" won the second prize of the 7th Guangdong Provincial Teaching Achievement Award; "Research and Practice on the Construction of Higher Vocational Food Professional Groups" won the 7th Guangdong Province Second Prize of Teaching Achievement Award. In 2017, the school's application for "Developing'Virtual Factory' Based on VR Technology, Promoting Practical Teaching Innovation in the Training of Professional Talents in Food and Drugs" won the second prize of the 8th National Teaching Achievement Award and the first prize of the 8th Guangdong Province Teaching Achievement Award. First prize; "Promoting the reform and practice of'healthy' professional innovation and entrepreneurship education in the'global style'" won the first prize of the 8th Guangdong Province Teaching Achievement Award; the school actively advocates the "teaching and participation" teaching material concept and establishes the school level The establishment of a two-level textbook construction project mechanism with secondary colleges, and gradually formed a textbook construction system oriented by national and provincial quality textbooks. In recent years, it has led and participated in the editing of 167 textbooks, of which: the editor-in-chief of the "Twelfth Five-Year" national level 16 planning textbooks, 39 textbooks in the 11th Five-Year Plan and 12th Five-Year Plan of the Ministry of Health of the National Higher Vocational Colleges, won 1 first prize and 4 second prizes of the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Excellent Textbook Award, the first session 1 second prize of "Guangdong Province Popular Science Works Creation Competition".

The school actively carries out the reform and innovation of talent training. In 2015, it adjusted the teaching plan, increased innovation and entrepreneurship courses, and increased aesthetic education in 2016; the school paid great attention to the cultivation of students' humanistic quality, implemented the liberal arts education plan, and opened public art compulsory courses; during the school period , Students have to acquire at least one artistic skill. The fire of art illuminates the healthy life of students. What it achieves is not a professional without a soul, but a person with a complete personality with a culture.


  The school has a team of teachers with reasonable structure, high academic level, good quality, professional skills, and rich corporate experience and industry background. There are 639 full-time teachers (including 70 professional teachers in the third and second sub-section of the East Campus). There are 45 professors and other senior professional titles, 187 associate professors and other senior titles, 104 doctors and post-doctors. Nearly 77% of full-time teachers have a master's degree or above, and 70% of teachers have "dual teacher quality". In accordance with the needs of the combination of work and study, the school has hired a group of skilled craftsmen from industry enterprises as part-time professional teachers, which better meets the current needs of talent training.

In the past three years, a total of 236 people have received various commendations at the hospital level and above, including 3 experts enjoying special allowances from the State Council, 1 training object for the National Talents Training Program for the Inheritance of Characteristic Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2 Pearl River Scholars Distinguished Professors, and 1 Young Pearl River Scholars. People, 1 national outstanding teacher, 2 national chemical vocational education teaching teachers, 1 Guangdong special support plan teaching teacher, 3 provincial teaching teachers, 4 provincial high-level professional leading talents, provincial "Thousand Hundred and Ten Projects" "There are 5 trainees, 5 outstanding young teachers in provincial colleges and universities, 4 outstanding teachers in Nanyue, 5 outstanding educators in Nanyue, 1 provincial May 1st Labor Medal winner, and 1 Guangdong May Fourth Youth Medal winner. The project of "Phoenix Dancong Oolong Tea Resource Utilization and Quality Improvement Key Technology and Industrialization" hosted by the Pearl River Scholar Professor Su Xinguo of our school won the first prize of the 2015 Guangdong Science and Technology Award. The first prize of the Provincial Science and Technology Award. In 2017, Professor Su Xinguo won the 14th Guangdong Dingying Science and Technology Award and the 2016-2017 China Light Industry Vocational Education Teaching Teacher Award.

  【Vocational Education Group】

   In November 2008, with the approval of the Provincial Department of Education, the school took the lead in establishing the "Guangdong Food and Drug Vocational Education Group". There are currently 711 member units, including 22 schools (11 secondary vocational schools, 6 higher vocational schools, and 5 undergraduates), 11 public institutions, 18 industries, 9 scientific research institutions, and 651 enterprises. The group has distinctive characteristics and has become the only typical case of group-based school running recommended by the Provincial Department of Education to the Ministry of Education; reported as the only representative of the province at the national vocational education system reform pilot work meeting; as the only representative of the province to support Xishuangbanna Prefecture; entered for three consecutive years Compiled "Compilation of Cases of Running Schools in National Vocational Education Group". After ten years of exploration, the group's internal management system and mechanism are perfect, the external monitoring system, and the operation method are sound; a group school model of "integration of production and education" that integrates industry education, enterprise education, and production and teaching has been created. Constructing a “medium-high-level” linking vocational education system; carrying out the “four-level close cooperation” of “school, government, operation and enterprise”, serving the development of social industries, and achieving remarkable results. In March 2018, after the qualification review and expert review of the Provincial Department of Education, the group was included in the 2018 Guangdong Province Demonstration Vocational Education Group Construction Reserve Project List with its good results ranked first in the province.

  【Technology Innovation】

The school adheres to the road of combining production, learning, and research, and actively establishes close cooperative relations with industry enterprises, jointly researches and develops topics, and jointly trains talents, and gradually forms a situation of benign interaction, coordinated development and common improvement of scientific research, teaching, and practice. .

Since 2011, the school has presided over 341 longitudinal projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Project, and the Guangdong Natural Science Foundation, including 10 National Natural Science Foundation projects, 24 Guangdong Natural Science Foundation projects, and other provinces and ministries. There are 42 high-level scientific research projects with a project funding of 18.45 million yuan; 87 technical service projects with enterprises and a horizontal project cooperation funding of 11.35 million yuan; total scientific research funding of 29.8 million yuan, ranking among the top vocational colleges in Guangdong Province . Won 1 first prize of Guangdong Science and Technology Award, 24 authorized patents, 1920 papers published by faculty and staff, of which 515 are included in Chinese core journals, 51 are included in SCI, and 12 are included in EI.

  【social service】

The school is a national medicine base, a licensed pharmacist training base, a high-skilled talent training base, and a food and drug regulatory system talent training base. It has the Guangdong Food and Drug Vocational College Vocational Skills Appraisal Institute and the Guangdong Pharmaceutical Industry Special Skills Appraisal Station. Important social service work such as industry training, skill appraisal, application and transformation of scientific research results, and popularization of science. At present, there are 7385 adult correspondence students in college, 1012 adult students in China Pharmaceutical University, 1386 students in self-examination and communication, and 368 students in distance education. In 2017, 21,114 people were trained.

The school is also the chairman unit of the National Higher Vocational Schools Pharmaceutical Teaching Material Construction Steering Committee, the standing director unit of the China Medical Education Association, the vice chairman unit of the Chinese Vocational Education Association, the member unit of the National Food and Drug Vocational Education Teaching Steering Committee, The director unit of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Pharmaceutical Industry Collaborative Innovation Alliance, the chairman and secretary-general of the Guangdong Provincial Higher Vocational College Food and Drug Professional Teaching Steering Committee, and the Ministry of Education Higher Vocational College Pharmaceutical, Food, Light Chemical, and Chemical Teaching Guide Committee member unit, Chairman unit of the Pharmaceutical Packaging Material Professional Committee of Guangdong Pharmaceutical Association, Vice Chairman Unit of Guangdong Health Vocational Education Association, Vice Chairman Unit of Expert Academic Committee of Guangdong Pharmaceutical Enterprise Management Association, Guangdong Vocational Education Information Research Association Member unit, sponsored and undertook skill competitions, academic conferences, and business years such as the National Skills Competition for Higher Vocational Colleges in Pharmaceutical Vocational Colleges, the Reform Seminar on the Training of Pharmaceutical (Pharmacy) Professionals in Higher Vocational Colleges and the Construction Achievement Exhibition Many activities of the conference and doctoral forum have had a wide range of influences in fraternal universities and enterprises inside and outside the province.

  【International View】

   The school actively participates in the construction of the “Belt and Road”, and constantly explores new areas of international exchanges and cooperation in education. The school cooperated with Box Hill College in Australia to organize a Sino-Australian cooperative education project. The quality of talent training and the level of internationalization of the teaching staff have been positively affirmed and widely recognized by the domestic higher vocational education community. As of 2018, the Sino-Australian cooperative education project has been More than 2,000 outstanding talents with international vision and high-level skills have been trained and delivered for the country, and the number of graduates ranks among the top vocational colleges in Guangdong Province in Sino-foreign cooperative education projects. In 2018, with the approval of the Ministry of Education of the Ministry of Education and the approval of the Department of Education of Guangdong Province, the school and Birmingham City University in the United Kingdom jointly organized a Sino-foreign cooperative education project in health management and medical equipment application technology, the school’s "Innovative and Strong School" project and "Guangdong Province's national first-class higher vocational school" Important achievements have been made in the internationalization of "academies".

The school and the State University of New York in the United States, Birmingham City University in the United Kingdom, Salford University in the United Kingdom, Liverpool University in the United Kingdom, Edith Cowan University in Australia, Commonwealth University of Australia, Auckland University in New Zealand, New Zealand Business School, City University of Malaysia, Shinawatra University in Thailand, Won Kwang University and other foreign high-level colleges and universities have established good cooperative relations.