China college

Gansu Vocational and Technical College of Animal Husbandry Engineering

Gansu Vocational and Technical College of Animal Husbandry Engineering is located in Huangyang Town, Liangzhou District, Wuwei City. It was approved by the Provincial People’s Government in June 2004. Mechanized school two national-level key technical secondary schools merged to form a junior college level general colleges and universities. It is a "provincial demonstration higher vocational college" and a "Gansu Province Quality Higher Vocational College Construction Plan" project training school, subordinate to the Provincial Department of Education . The college also added the signs of "Gansu Animal Husbandry Engineering Cadre Training College" and "Gansu Weilong Wine College".

   The college covers an area of 2,200 acres, of which the campus covers 800 acres, the practice farming pasture is 1,400 acres; the school building area is 200,000 square meters. The fixed assets are more than 300 million yuan, of which the total value of teaching equipment is more than 120 million yuan. The library has a collection of more than 400,000 books, 500,000 e-books, and more than 300 Chinese and foreign periodicals.

   The school has 8,000 students. There are 336 faculty members, including 310 full-time and part-time teachers, 26 professors, 110 associate professors, 2 doctors and 88 masters. There are 117 "dual-teacher" teachers, and 76 specially-appointed experts and professors inside and outside the province. There are 2 "Gardeners Award" in Gansu Province, 1 Advanced Worker in Gansu Province, 3 Famous Teaching Teachers in Gansu Province, and 6 Young Teacher Achievement Award in Gansu Province.

  The college has Department of Animal Husbandry, Department of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Vehicle Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Electronic Information Engineering, Department of Food Science, Department of Economics, Trade and Humanities, Department of Ideological and Political Theory Courses, Sports and Art Teaching Department, etc. There are 44 majors in 9 major groups, including animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, agricultural machinery, vehicle engineering, mechanical engineering, electronic information engineering, food science, grape and wine engineering, economics and trade, and humanities. There are 3 provincial-level specialty majors, 10 provincial-level quality courses, and 2 provincial-level teaching teams.

The college currently has 110 on-campus training bases, including internship ranch, internship factory, animal hospital, car driver training school, automobile training service center, agricultural machinery training center, electrical and electronic training center, etc., and stable off-campus training base 134 indivual.

The college has attached "National Agricultural Industry Special Occupation Skills Appraisal Station — 013 Station", "The 84th National Vocational Skills Appraisal Institute of Gansu Province", "Gansu Provincial Professional and Technical Personnel Continuing Education Base", "Gansu Province Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Network Service Grape and Wine Project" Window platform "National Open University (Gansu) Gansu Animal Husbandry Engineering Vocational and Technical College Learning Center", etc., and jointly opened self-examination undergraduate classes with Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Gansu Agricultural University, etc. The “dual certificate system” of graduation certificate and post-level certificate has been realized, and students who have the ability to study can obtain the undergraduate diploma of self-study exam while completing higher vocational education.

The college adheres to the educational philosophy of "education-oriented, moral education first, ability-oriented, and comprehensive development", adheres to the fundamental task of establishing morality, and vigorously implements the teaching quality improvement project and the "1+8+1" student quality development project. Vigorously carry out the "Challenge Cup" student series of skill competitions, and comprehensively improve students' comprehensive quality and employment and entrepreneurship capabilities. The trained students are "get down, retain, and use", and are well received by employers.

The college adheres to the integration of production and education, and school-enterprise cooperation. It has successively established good school-enterprise cooperation relations with more than 200 large and medium-sized enterprises such as Beijing Dabeinong Group, Beijing Grace Tiandi Trading Co., Ltd., and Dongfeng Commercial Automobile Company. 98 schools and enterprises including Beinong Entrepreneurship College, Dekter Internet College, Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Entrepreneurship College, and "COFCO Class", "Grace Class", "Waijia Class", "Weilong Class", "Hefeng Class", and "Manor Class" Cooperative classes have established 10 innovation and entrepreneurship bases for college students, built a "through train" for student internship and employment, and realized the "zero distance" of student learning and employment. The one-time employment rate of graduates has always been above 95%.

Looking at the past, the college takes root in this hot land, inherits the college spirit of "hard work, selfless dedication, focus on practice, and courage to innovate." The state has trained more than 80,000 high-quality technical and technical talents, and has made tangible contributions to local economic development, "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" services, animal husbandry, veterinary, and agricultural machinery talent support. The college has successively won the title of “National Advanced Group of Vocational and Technical Education”, “Advanced Unit of National Education System”, “National Pioneering Priority to Enter Grassroots Party Organization”, “National Advanced Unit for Strengthening Practice Teaching and Serving Rural Economic Construction”, “Advanced Group of Vocational Education in Gansu Province” "The Ninth Batch of National May Fourth Red Flag Youth League Committee Founding Units" and other honorary titles.

Facing the future, under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the college seizes the strategic opportunities of "One Belt One Road" and rural revitalization, establishes new vocational education and new quality development concepts, adheres to the path of connotative development, and continuously promotes modern apprenticeship Reform pilot projects and the "double zero" talent training model, based on national conditions and province conditions, manufacturing in China 2025, modern agricultural development, transformation and upgrading of agricultural machinery and equipment industry, transformation and promotion of agricultural scientific and technological achievements, multi-channel transfer of employment for migrant workers, vocational skills training, etc. The field follows the trend and provides powerful technology for the economic and social development of the province and the development of higher vocational education, for the promotion of comprehensive agricultural upgrading, comprehensive rural progress, comprehensive development of farmers, and accelerating the construction of knowledge-based, skill-based, and innovative agricultural operators. Support and guarantee talents, and make every effort to write a new chapter in the development of vocational education in the new era.